Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Fallen Founder" by Nancy Isenberg

Fallen Founder: the life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg
B Burr available at Hilton Head

"In this exhaustively researched biography of Aaron Burr, Isenberg who is a professor of history at the University of Tulsa, has attempted to lay to rest what she considers early and continuing slander of Burr. She traces most of the venom surrounding him to false accusations from a jealous Hamilton, and Jefferson who feared his political success. She makes no bones, however, about Burr's personal failings but points out that they were typical of the time in which he lived, and, in contrast with his accusers, who were guilty of the same failings, he made no efforts to conceal or excuse them."

Review provided by Robert Herm, Beaufort Branch Library

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