Friday, July 18, 2008

"O Ye Jigs and Juleps!" by Virginia Cary Hudson

O ye Jigs and Juleps! by Virginia Cary Hudson
Available through Interlibrary Loan

"Most of Hudson's writings are focused, either directly or in a roundabout way, on her upbringing in the American Episcopal Church of her era, the early 1900s. Even though Virginia's writings encompass only ten essays and run to a mere fifty pages (including line drawings), she covers a lot of ground. Church Sacraments, especially Baptism, get the once over; she instructs us on how to behave in church and what to do when the Baptists next door sing too loud; she tells how to get your garden weeded by giving a party; and lectures on personal appearance, not to mention the Great Wall of China. Much of it is laugh-out-loud funny, and all of it is delightful. This was a read-aloud book in our family. There are no copies in the library, but I have the book if anyone would like to borrow it. (also available from Amazon- makes a nice gift!)"

Review provided by Phyllis Buckly, Beaufort County Library (staff)

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