Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"A Song I knew by Heart" by Bret Lott

A Song I knew by Heart by Bret Lott
FIC LOT available at Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena
"Brett Lott, an English professor at the College of Charleston, wrote this story of a modern-day version of the Biblical Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. The two women return to Naomi's coastal South Carolina hometown after the death of her own husband 8 years before, Naomi knows the pain of Ruth's loss, the "song she knew by heart". Some readers may find the ongoing thoughts of Naomi as tiring and repetitious. Instead, I see them as a true experience of grieving, re-living the times spent with a loved one, and learning to live again in spite of that loss. Not always a sad story (Ruth gets a job at Piggly Wiggly), this book has a peaceful ending."
Review provided by Phyllis Buckley, Beaufort County Library (staff)

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