Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Dead Until Dark" by Charlaine Harris

Dead until Dark by Charlaine Harris
FIC HAR available at Union

"I started reading this series as soon as I heard that HBO had optioned it as a TV Series (a good year and a half before the series True Blood aired). The book features Sookie Stackhouse as a mind reading waitress in Louisiana who is fascinated with the recently outed vampires who are trying to fit into main stream society (she can't read their minds!). Through a series of mishaps and misadventures she gets pulled into the vampires strange world of politics and learns of other not so mythical creatures. Currently there are nine books in the series so the good news is if you like this first book. Each book has a mystery/adventure of sorts that has to be resolved and the author is very good about keeping the story moving along. I have two friends I recommended this series to and both have read all of them in a short amount of time (which gives you a little clue about how addicting they are once you get started)."

Review provided by Eve Heaton, Beaufort Branch customer

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