Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Marked" by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
FIC CAS available at Beaufort, Hilton Head, and Lobeco in Teen Fiction

"Although billed as a "young adult" book (upper end of the young adult category) adults who liked the Twilight series would enjoy this "House of Night" series (currently there are five books in a series of nine - according to the author's website). The first in the series is Marked and follows the adventures of a young girl (16 years old)who gets marked as a vampire and takes up residence in the House of Night (a sort of vampire finishing school). The book reminded me a bit of an older darker Harry Potter (boarding school with all manners of teachers and a core group of friends who come to the aid of our main character). There is The Big Bad Evil that has to be defeated (most likely in book nine)and a lot of growing up done by everyone along the way. I really enjoyed all five books and have held the sixth on Amazon. If you liked Twilight and Harry Potter you should give this series a try."

Review provided by Eve Heaton, Beaufort Branch customer

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