Monday, July 21, 2008

"General Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse" by Joseph T. Glatthaar

General Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse by Joseph T. Glatthaar
973.742 GLA available at Beaufort and Hilton Head

"Glatthaar does exhaustive research in primary sources to uncover what the men in Lee's Army felt about the circumstances in which they found themselves, 1861-1865. What makes this work unique is the statistical work he did testing "common knowledge" of what the typical Southern soldier was like with demographic, socio-economic, ethnic, and slaveholding characteristics of the men in General Lee's troops. As a descendant of a man in the SC 5th Cavalry captured during December 1864 near Petersburg, I was particularly interested in reading Glatthaar's assessment of the horrendous conditions the Confederate soldiers endured. It may well be that Naisby preferred the prison camp conditions at Point Lookout better. Glatthaar's work is sure to be controversial as he refutes many of the Lost Cause myths with hard evidence. "

Review provided by Grace Cordial, Beaufort District Collection

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