Monday, July 21, 2008

"The Narrows" by Michael Connelly

The Narrows by Michael Connelly
FIC CON available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, Lobeco
Large Print available at Beaufort and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena

"Another great book in the Harry Bosch series. Harry is asked by the widow of his a good friend to find out what happened him. He supposedly died of a heart attack. His friend had a heart transplant six years earlier, the chemical tests results indicated he didn't have the proper medications in his blood. Harry's investigation sends him to Las Vegas and he meets up with Rachel Warring, a shunned FBI agent being used as bait to catch the POET. Great ending. Enjoyed this very much."

Review provided by Larry Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

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