Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Sleeping with Strangers" by Eric Jerome Dickey

Sleeping with Strangers by Eric Jerome Dickey
FIC DIC available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Large Print available at Hilton Head

"The book was fascinating with an ending leaving you wishing you had the sequel."

Review provided by Holly Wingler, Beaufort Branch Library

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"The Same Sweet Girls" by Cassandra King

The Same Sweet Girls by Cassandra King
FIC KIN available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Large Print available at Beaufort
Audio available at St. Helena

"I am from Alabama and attended Alabama College so it was easy for me to get into this book. Friendship is a person's most valuable possession-right up there with love. This book brings friendship to life- enjoyable reading!"

Review provided by Pat Musgrave, Beaufort Branch Library

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Whole Truth" by David Baldacci

Whole Truth by David Baldacci
FIC BAL available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco

"This latest by him (David Baldacci) is very intriguing. It's not about the Camel Club group, though. A special agent (someone like Jason Bourne) wants to get out of the business but has a hard time convincing his employers. Lots of excitement and plausible government action makes me wonder just what "truths" the Internet actually support."

Review by Marlene Coleman, Beaufort Branch Library (staff)

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Prodigal Summer" by Barbara Kingsolver

Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver
FIC KIN available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort

"I have had this book for four years, and the past four summers have gone by with me forgetting to read it. And I wanted to read it in summer, so finally I have succeeded! This one is not to be missed. Kingsolver beautifully weaves three stories set in the Virginia mountains of Southern Appalachia. The three chapter titles refer to each respective storyline. And you know they are all somehow related, but it isn’t until page 170 that you are given a clue; and these clues are dropped like pieces of a puzzle for you to put together. Each story involves naturalists, those who have a low-impact lifestyle and value all life forms, plant and animal, and respect their roles in the food chain and their right to survive on the planet, whether or not they are considered a threat to mankind. I was puzzled by the title, so I looked up “prodigal” to see if it gives any clues: wastefully or recklessly extravagant; giving or yielding profusely; lavish; lavishly abundant; profuse: nature's prodigal resources. From this I can see that there is a recurrent theme and view by all the protagonists that summer brings nature’s abundance and that it is resplendent in its weightiness and wonder. It is much more interesting to observe the goings on in the natural world around us than to occupy our time with, say, television. Reading Prodigal Summer will bring you close to that world where you can almost hear the sounds of bees buzzing and smell the honeysuckle as it travels in the breeze. Here is just one example of her beautiful writing; it has its own magical meter:

After her first few hours [riding the power mower] she realized she had stopped thinking altogether. She was just a body vibrating like one of Heaven’s harp strings in the sharp, green-scented air.”

If you enjoy reading about biological wonders and how all living things are related to one another, you will love this book. The stories are poignant and seem so real that I was deeply moved by them. 4 ½ stars!"

Review provided by Brenda Beasley, Beaufort County Library (staff)

"Not a genuine black man" by Brian Copeland

Not a Genuine Black Man by Brian Copeland
also known as How I Claimed My Piece of Ground in the Lily-white Suburbs : A True Story

This item will be added soon to the Beaufort County Library collection

"Brian Copeland's new memoir shows us the world through the eyes of an 8-yr old black boy and the challenges of growing up black in an all-white neighborhood and school. He never really got to relax and enjoy his childhood because life was pretty much a war zone for him. His absentee father would show up and verbally abuse him, as did potentially anyone he came in contact with. So he had no role model; he had to grow up too soon and become the man of the house. The protector of his mother and younger sisters. No one was in his corner. Teachers feared uprisings or job loss for taking up for him. As he got older he learned how to mask his fears and to use humor to cover up the painful past. The book also delves into mental illness. When suffering from tearful outbursts for no apparent reason, his psychiatrist likened his condition to PTST - Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Dealing with that after all these years has made him a stronger person, and one who can reach out to help others. The book is a huge eye-opener. It is a heartwrenching read. But his humorous writing provides the foil needed to keep the reader from throwing down the book and drowning in despair and shame for what injustices blacks went through in order to get out of the ghetto and to have a productive, satisfying, prosperous life. While race is a big part of the book, Copeland insists his story is more about being an outsider and what skills outsiders can use to "cope" in a "land" of insiders. I highly recommend this book! I couldn’t put it down! I am a richer person for having read it."

Review provided by Brenda Beasley, Beaufort County Library (staff)

"The Dark One" by Ronda Thompson

The Dark One by Ronda Thompson
Available through Interlibrary Loan

"This is supposed to be a dark romance novel wherein the hero is actually cursed to become a werewolf. I'd have liked the book better if that was either a larger or non-existant part of the plot- as it was, I thought that aspect a lot distracting rather than an enhancement."

Review provided by Layla Manning, Beaufort Branch Library

"The Secret Garden" by Francis Hodgson Burnett

The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett
FIC BUR available at all branches
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco

"My nieces loved it. Secrets and nature- a mysterious cousin- a spooky house- a boy who can talk to animals. What's not to love?"

Review provided by Layla Manning, Beaufort Branch Library

"Double Cross" by James Patterson

Double Cross by James Patterson
FIC PAT available at all branches
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and St. Helena

"James Patterson proves yet again why Alex Cross maybe the greatest fictional character of this time!"

"A Little Princess" by Francis Hodgson Burnett

A Little Princess by Francis Hodgson Burnett
FIC BUR available at all branches
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Bluffton

"A classic for a reason. What girl doesn't want affirmation that she, too, is a princess and that magic exists in the world?"

Review provided by Layla Manning, Beaufort Branch Library

"What Real Alaskans Eat" by J. Stephen Lay

What Real Alaskans Eat by J. Stephen Lay
Available through Interlibrary Loan

"This was a gift from a relative who went to Alaska this summer. As the name sas, this is not your average cookbook. (Bear fat biscuits?!?), but some recipes- particularly the fruity baked goods- are really interesting."

Review provided by Layla Manning, Beaufort Branch Library

"Phantom Prey" by John Sandford

Phantom Prey by John Sandford
FIC SAN available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Audio available at Bluffton and Hilton Head

"Excellent, spellbinding. Great plot with many unforseen twists."

Review provided by Bruce Roche, Beaufort Branch Library

"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
FIC AUS available at Bluffton, Hilton Head, Lobeco, and St. Helena
Large Print available at Bluffton and Hilton Head
Audio available at Bluffton and Hilton Head
DVD available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco

"This is a re-read for me as it's one of my favorite books of all time. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy are perfectly prickly, honorable, and loyal. Their love story is one of the best ever written!"

Review provided by Layla Manning, Beaufort Branch Library

"Mys Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
FIC PIC available at all branches
Audio available at Bluffton

"What an incredible author! Her characters are deep and very human- they feel like family members. I was touched by this story and haven't cried over a book in a long time."

"Duke Most Wanted" by Celeste Bradley

Duke Most Wanted by Celeste Bradley
Available through Interlibrary Loan

"I found the hero in this book particularly charming but these kinds of books thrive on the "respectabel rake" idea. The pair are obviously made for each other and the lead-up to their coming together as a couple drags for a bit, but overall this was a great beach read."

Review provided by Layla Manning, Beaufort Branch Library

"All Smiles" by Stella Cameron

All Smiles by Stella Cameron
Available through Interlibrary Loan

"Occasionally slow-moving, but a basically good Cinderella story with a little mystery, romance, sex, and a few interestingly stubborn characters thrown in!"

Review provided by Layla Manning, Beaufort Branch Library

"Until Proven Guilty" by J.A. Jance

Until Proven Guilty by J.A. Jance
FIC JAN available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Bluffton

"This is Judith Jance's first novel and also the first in the J.P. Beaumont series. Beau, a Seattle homicide detective and his newrookie partner are called to investigate a young girls death . Beaumeets a beautiful women that shows up at the girl's funeral. Shortlyafter the girl's father shows up, the girl's mother and her pastor aremurdered. The story contunies with very surprising events. Good story."

Review provided by Larry Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

"A Nest of Sparrows" by Deborah Raney

A Nest of Sparrows by Deborah Raney
FIC RAN available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head

"This is a sweet, heart-wrenching story of a hard-working bachelor, who is left in charge of 3 young children when his fiancee suddenly dies. The characters are real and intriguing,and the story a bittersweet one. Although the ending was a bit too tidy and quickly pulled together, I enjoyed this story of a man's point of view of parenting, and of family love conquering all obstacles. I will be reading more from this author!"

Review provided by Diane Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

"The Narrows" by Michael Connelly

The Narrows by Michael Connelly
FIC CON available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, Lobeco
Large Print available at Beaufort and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena

"Another great book in the Harry Bosch series. Harry is asked by the widow of his a good friend to find out what happened him. He supposedly died of a heart attack. His friend had a heart transplant six years earlier, the chemical tests results indicated he didn't have the proper medications in his blood. Harry's investigation sends him to Las Vegas and he meets up with Rachel Warring, a shunned FBI agent being used as bait to catch the POET. Great ending. Enjoyed this very much."

Review provided by Larry Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

"General Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse" by Joseph T. Glatthaar

General Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse by Joseph T. Glatthaar
973.742 GLA available at Beaufort and Hilton Head

"Glatthaar does exhaustive research in primary sources to uncover what the men in Lee's Army felt about the circumstances in which they found themselves, 1861-1865. What makes this work unique is the statistical work he did testing "common knowledge" of what the typical Southern soldier was like with demographic, socio-economic, ethnic, and slaveholding characteristics of the men in General Lee's troops. As a descendant of a man in the SC 5th Cavalry captured during December 1864 near Petersburg, I was particularly interested in reading Glatthaar's assessment of the horrendous conditions the Confederate soldiers endured. It may well be that Naisby preferred the prison camp conditions at Point Lookout better. Glatthaar's work is sure to be controversial as he refutes many of the Lost Cause myths with hard evidence. "

Review provided by Grace Cordial, Beaufort District Collection

"The Abduction" by James Grippando

The Abduction by James Grippando
FIC GRI available at Beaufort

"This is an exciting book about a Presidential campaign between the US Attorney General Allison Leary and a war hero General Lincoln Howe. Eight years before Allison's adopted baby daughter is stolen from her crib and never found. Now General Howe's granddaughter is kidnapped and held for ransom. Allison's orders a manhunt to find the granddaughter and the kidnappers. She comes under fire for her motives and General Howe plays all mistakes in the investigation against Allison. Great ending. "

Review provided by Larry Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

Friday, July 18, 2008

"O Ye Jigs and Juleps!" by Virginia Cary Hudson

O ye Jigs and Juleps! by Virginia Cary Hudson
Available through Interlibrary Loan

"Most of Hudson's writings are focused, either directly or in a roundabout way, on her upbringing in the American Episcopal Church of her era, the early 1900s. Even though Virginia's writings encompass only ten essays and run to a mere fifty pages (including line drawings), she covers a lot of ground. Church Sacraments, especially Baptism, get the once over; she instructs us on how to behave in church and what to do when the Baptists next door sing too loud; she tells how to get your garden weeded by giving a party; and lectures on personal appearance, not to mention the Great Wall of China. Much of it is laugh-out-loud funny, and all of it is delightful. This was a read-aloud book in our family. There are no copies in the library, but I have the book if anyone would like to borrow it. (also available from Amazon- makes a nice gift!)"

Review provided by Phyllis Buckly, Beaufort County Library (staff)

"The Sisters Mortland" by Sally Beauman

The Sisters Mortland by Sally Beauman
FIC BEA available at Bluffton and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Beaufort and Bluffton

"Anticipation- high...realization, the lowest. Depressing."

Review provided by Jo Liles, Beaufort Branch Library

"Daddy's Little Girl" by Mary Higgins Clark

Daddy's Little Girl by Mary Higgins Clark
FIC CLA available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print avilable at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head

"I have only read one other book by this author, but it seems like she has a formula...start with a main character as a child, fast forward 20 years, have main character befriend older person who at the last minute, remembers detail that solves the case. Still a good ending, but I fear reading another book by this author because it will be the same story, different name."

Review provided by Darlene Simmons, Beaufort Branch Library

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Hand of Evil" by J.A. Jance

Hand of Evil by J.A. Jance
FIC JAN available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena

"This is the third in the Ali Reynolds series. Ali Reynolds isinvolved with a recent homicide and then others that go back many years.Also her good friends daughter has run away from home and had seenanother homicide. Ali tries to help her friend and solve several oldhomicides. She is also dealing with depression from her manylifechanging situations. Good read."

Review provided by Larry Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

"God's Spy" by Juan Gomez-Jurado

God's Spy by Juan Gomez-Jurado
FIC GOM available at Bluffton and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort

"I chose the audio version (10.5 hours).Mature themes of pedophilia, murder, incest, violence make this title unsuitable for family listening. Adults or mature older teenagers only.This is a complex story of intrigue, Vatican politics, human vulnerabilities, sin, and redemption. The violence is graphic. This title is not for the squeamish. Pope John Paul II is dead. A damaged former priest, simultaneously both a victim and a pederast, is murdering Cardinals assembling in Rome to select the next pope. How many must die before this monster is stopped?"

"A Song I knew by Heart" by Bret Lott

A Song I knew by Heart by Bret Lott
FIC LOT available at Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena
"Brett Lott, an English professor at the College of Charleston, wrote this story of a modern-day version of the Biblical Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. The two women return to Naomi's coastal South Carolina hometown after the death of her own husband 8 years before, Naomi knows the pain of Ruth's loss, the "song she knew by heart". Some readers may find the ongoing thoughts of Naomi as tiring and repetitious. Instead, I see them as a true experience of grieving, re-living the times spent with a loved one, and learning to live again in spite of that loss. Not always a sad story (Ruth gets a job at Piggly Wiggly), this book has a peaceful ending."
Review provided by Phyllis Buckley, Beaufort County Library (staff)

"Mercy" by Jodi Picoult

Mercy by Jodi Picoult
FIC PIC available at Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Large Print available at Beaufort and Hilton Head
"Great! As with all of her books- this is not a "quick" read. Very deep and full of insightful words."
Review provided by Tamera Galtelli, Beaufort Branch Library

"Sisters" by Danielle Steel

Sisters by Danielle Steel
FIC STE available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Audio available at Hilton Head

"Very good book. I think most sisters can relate to this book. Also one of the sisters in this book is named "Sabrena" like me."
Review provided by Sabrena Gerideau, Beaufort Branch Library

"LA Outlaws" by T. Jefferson Parker

LA Outlaws by T. Jefferson Parker
FIC PAR available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head

"Good Book!"

Review provided by Jeff Sammond, Beaufort Branch Library

"Night" by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel
B WIESEL available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco

"This book this mans story of his life will change you. I feltsadness, angery, disgust , bitterness. I'm amazed that he lived throuthis to tell his story.Im so glad that he lived to tell it. I'm forchanged."

Review provided by Janice Fields, Beaufort Branch Library

"Merck Manual for Pet Health"

Merck Manual for Pet Health
636.0896 MER available at Beaufort

"Good reference book for pets of all kinds!"

Review provided by Donna Sammond, Beaufort Branch Library

"Wildflowers of the Carolina LowCountry" by Richard Dwight

Wildflowers of the Carolina Lowcountry and Lower PeeDee by Richard Dwight
582.13 POR available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco

"Great reference book for identifying our wildflowers."

Review provided by Donna Sammond, Beaufort Branch Library

Monday, July 14, 2008

"The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc" by Loraine Despres

The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc by Loraine Despres
FIC DES available at Hilton Head

"Sissy relives her summer of 1956, in Genrty Louisiana. Segregation, unhappy marriages, and religion are all parts of this Southern town where everyone knows everything. Sissy may have been a handful in her younger days, but she turns out to be the heroine in this novel. Great read for the summer!"

Review provided by Christian Senouillet, Bluffton Branch Library

"The Deadly Neighbors" by Merry Jones

The Deadly Neighbors by Merry Jones
FIC JON available at Bluffton and Hilton Head

"This is the first 'Zoe Hayes' thriller series written by Merry Jones that I have read. It's an easy read and hard to put down. However, if you've had enough of CSI, Criminal Intent, and Law & Order, this book will only add to it. It is gruesomely descriptive at points and although fictional, a sad reminder of the evil in today's society as well as our legal system's struggle to combat it."

Review provided by Krista Delgado, Bluffton Branch Library

"The Memory of Running" by Ron McLarty

The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty
FIC MCL available at Bluffton and St. Helena

"This novel chronicles the effects of the mental illness of one family member on all the others. Beautiful Bethany takes the whole family on a ride again and again. Despite the title, the book is about a bike trip from Rhode Island to Los Angeles. In this bike ride family history, events, reflections and eventually understanding are revealed. This book provides great questions for book club discussions."

Review provided by Wanda Lane, Bluffton Branch Library

"The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks

The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
FIC SPA available at all branches
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Audio available at Beaufort and St. Helena

"Nicholas Sparks has a way of delving into the readers soul and stirs up emotions of love and understanding. This book takes a hard look at love for better or worse in its true sense. It reaches the choices we make in life and brings light to the ever burning question "if" we made the right choice. Mr. Sparks, once again, provides us with unexpected turns and surprises in every chapter! A must read!"

Review provided by Michele Tsarsis, Bluffton Branch Library

"Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" by Fannie Flagg

Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
by Fannie Flagg
FIC FLA available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Lobeco
Audio available at Hilton Head

"This being my first novel of Fannie Flagg, enticed me to read another. Living in the South for three years, I enjoyed the history as the humor in the storytelling. It was like being with the two women as they conversed. And I was able to relate to my 86 year old mom as fas as long term memory. I highly recommend this book! It is endearing and a pleasure of a simple life of caring people."

Review provided by Mary Jane Previte, Bluffton Branch Library

"The Shack" by William Paul Young

The Shack by William Paul Young
FIC YOU available at Bluffton

"This is a fantastic book. It takes a look at some of our biggest questions in life. The author does a magnificent job of clarifying the difference between religion and being in a relationship with God. tons of theology and Biblical truth in the form of a work of fiction."

Review provided by Kristy Campbell, Bluffton Branch Library

"7th Heaven" by James Patterson

7th Heaven by James Patterson
FIC PAT available at all branches
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort

"This is a must read for Patterson fans. The excitement and the pace of events will capture your attention to the final surprise ending. Again, the women's murder club entices you to know "who did it and why". I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and await the next one to come."

Review provided by Mary Jane Previte, Bluffton Branch Library

"City of Bones" by Michael Connelly

City of Bones by Michael Connelly
FIC CON available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Beaufort and Bluffton

"Detective Harry Bosch investigates a case more than 20 years old, involving the death of a child. He is haunted not only by the case and its link to his traumatic childhood but also by a young female officer also working the case."

Review provide dby Lori Lee, Bluffton Branch Library

"The Deer Leap" by Martha Grimes

The Deer Leap by Martha Grimes
FIC GRI available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head

"One of Ms. Grimes' early novels featuring Detective Jury and a group of characters it would be fun to know. Even though Grimes is an American, she writes British crime novels as if she were a native. Her plots are interesting even though somewhat convoluted, characters believable, and conclusions unexpected. The Deer Leap is a good example of why Grimes' novels have been best sellers for so many years. It is well written, fast paced, and has unexpected twists. It is a book mystery readers will enjoy."

Review provided by Paula Lamb, Bluffton Branch Library

"A Redbird Christmas" by Fannie Flagg

A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg
FIC FLA available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Beaufort and Hilton Head

"This is truly a book for anyone 'stuck in the mundane everyday living'. It touched my heart and altered my outlook on life. Though it's my second book, I'm hooked reading everything this author writes. Just can't get enough! For the fainthearted or those who want to let go of hope, this book is written for you. Don't let another dreary day go by; read this inspiring book today!"

Review provided by Mary Jo Previte, Bluffton Branch Library

"The Collectors" by David Baldacci

The Collectors by David Baldacci
FIC BAL available at all branches
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort and Hilton Head

"The rare books division executive from the library of Congress is murdered. A secret society, the Camel Club, is determined to find the killer as is the victim's ex-wife. The true killers are just as determined to keep the truth from being exposed both about their involvement in the victim's death and the code to which they've sworn secrecy."

Review provided by Lori Lee, Bluffton Branch Library

"Life on the Refrigerator Door" by Alice Kuipers

Life on the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers
FIC KUI available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and St. Helena

"This story is written in a very unusual way. Claire, an older teenager and her mother are both so busy that the only way they can communicate is by leaving notes to each other on the refrigerator door. Poignant, yet sometimes humerous, the book lets the reader understand the deep relationship between the two."

Review provided by Virginia Stroehlein, Bluffton Branch Library

"Essence" by Glenn Woods

Essence: This Child Ghost Wants to Tell You her Story
by Glenn Woods
FIC WOO available at Beaufort

"This story is about the ghost of a little girl killed during the Civil War. She "haunts" a house in Savannah, GA and the story goes from the time of her death through many years of changes in the house, it's human occupants, and the girls longing to leave the house and move on. A second read for me- I love this book! Go to this website and enter "essence" to read more about this story- truth or fiction?(

Review provided by Phyllis Buckley, Beaufort County Library (staff)

"Bulls Island" by Dorothea Benton Frank

Bulls Island by Dorothea Benton Frank
FIC FRA available at all branches
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort and Hilton Head

"Always fun to read about the area (Lowcountry). It's a great read with some interesting twists and characters."

Review provided by Marlene Coleman, Beaufort Branch Library (staff)

"A Deadly Vineyard Holiday" by Philip A. Craig

A Deadly Vineyard Holiday by Philip A. Craig
FIC CRA available at Beaufort and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Beaufort and Hilton Head

"My 2nd time to read his work. Bery good as all of his Vineyard Tales."

Review provided by Tina Price, Beaufort Branch Library

"Hounded to Death" by Laurien Berenson

Hounded to Death by Laurien Berenson
FIC BER available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Beaufort

"A Good read!"

Review provided by Tina Price, Beaufort Branch Library

"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
FIC HOS available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and Lobeco
Large Print available at Beaufort and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort and Lobeco

"A wonderful insight into another culture. It's the kind of bookthat stays with you and transports you to another place and time."

Review provided by Laurie Schnaubelt, Beaufort Branch Library

"Web of Evil" by J.A. Jance

Web of Evil by J.A. Jance
FIC JAN available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Lobeco
"This is the second in the Ali Reynolds series. Ali is on herway back to L.A. to settle her divorce and to testify about her wrongfulfiring lawsuit. Then her husband, Dave, doesn't show up for the divorceproceedings. Her husband has been murdered, then Dave's soon to be newwife's mother dies and both are pinned on Ali. Ali surer can get in alot of trouble! Good story and good ending. Enjoyed the book very much."
Review provided by Larry Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

"Smitten" by Janet Evanovich

Smitten by Janet Evanovich
FIC EVA available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head

"You will laught out loud. This is a great book just for that itwill total make you smile .... great read."

Review provided by Janice Fields, Beaufort Branch Library

"Rise to Rebellion" by Jeff Shaara

Rise to Rebellion by Jeff Shaara
FIC SHA available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Bluffton and Hilton Head
Audio available at Hilton Head

"Great accounting of the events and politics leading to the Revolutionary War. Makes you really like history."
Review provided by Alexia Baum, Beaufort Branch Library

"Third Degree" by Greg Iles

Third Degree by Greg Iles

FIC ILE available at Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head, and St. Helena
Large print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head

"Good summer read. Lots of action and twists and turns to the plot."

Review provided by Alexia Baum, Beaufort Branch Library

"Step on a Crack" by James Patterson

Step on a Crack by James Patterson
FIC PAT available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Large Print available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head
Audio available at Beaufort and Bluffton

"Detective Mike Bennett is pulled into a hostage situation at afuneral for the former first lady. While dealing with this he also hasto deal with is very sick wife and also deal with is TEN children. Hisgrandfather and a new au pair are help Mike with the flock of goslings.It was a tough book to read about his wife, but there is a good endingon the hostages takers."

Review provided by Larry Heaton, Beaufort Branch Library

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Can't Buy Me Love" by Jonathan Gould

Can't Buy Me Love by Jonathan Gould
792.421 GOU available at Beaufort, Bluffton, and Hilton Head

"This book about the Beatles examines their lives, the lives and work of other contemporary rock stars, and the historical events in England and America that affected their work and does an almost line by line deconstruction on every note and lyric in every album and single the Beatles produced. Great for anyone doing a Masters thesis on the "British invasion" in pop music and culture."

Review provided by Fran Hays, Beaufort Branch Library (staff)